Domain names can be perfectly simple at times. Purchasing the right domain name sets you on a path of success. Purchasing the wrong domain name puts you on the path of struggling online.
There are basically two ways to acquire a domain name, you can go to a registrar such as: Domain, Godaddy, MrDomain, Instra, or Yahoo and register a domain name, if it is available.
If it is not available, your second option is purchasing from any of the 3rd party sources such as a private owner, a domain name broker, a domain name squatter, a domain name investor, an auction or purchase an expired domain name. Since most of the top tier domain names are taken, your best choice will likely be the second option.
The second option means that you will pay a premium price for your targeted domain name. But, if your vision calls for that particular domain name, negotiate with the owner for a price the both of you can be happy with. If you are not comfortable with negotiating, hire a domain name broker. The overall price you pay will be well worth it – if you believe in your vision and have a business plan in hand to bring it into fruition.